Golf season will be ending in just a few months when the cold weather arrives, so it’s important to get all of the outdoor golfing in while you can. So if you have a golf tournament coming up, you should be sure to do your best. And while there is no magical secret to low scores and the chance of two holes in one are not great — about 67 million to one — there is plenty you can do to prepare in order to play your best. Let’s take a look at a few tips to help you get ready for your upcoming tournament.
Know the course beforehand: One of the best things you can do for your tournament game is to actually play on the course beforehand. While many golf tournaments will be on courses you’re not familiar with, if you have the chance to play on the course, take it. This can be one of the benefits of being a member of a golf club because then you’ll be prepared to play in the tournament since you already know the golf course. But if you can’t play on the course ahead of time, try looking at Google Earth or other apps so you can at least familiarize yourself with the course a bit.
Take a few lessons: Even if you’ve been golfing your entire life, taking a lesson can only do you good. Lesson instructors can point out problems with your stance or swing that you may not realize otherwise. Additionally, if you do have any problems you’re aware of, lesson instructors can suggest fixes and help work through the problem. Overall, taking a lesson, whether it’s private or a group lesson, can be beneficial before an upcoming tournament.
Don’t focus on mid-range putts: When it comes to golf tournaments, it’s all about the short- and long-range distances. So it’s important to focus on practicing your short putts and hitting them in different ways to ensure you’re confident in your putting. And it’s equally as important to focus on long swings to practice speed and accuracy. Overall, make sure you’re practicing both short and long swings so you have your basis covered.
While golf tournaments can sometimes be high stakes, it’s important to remember to have fun. So relax and keep these tips in mind and you’ll be sure to have a great tournament.